Friday, November 6, 2009


Jace is loving preschool and making new friends. He has one boy that he calls his best friend. He isn't shy and will talk to anyone if they will talk to him. We have been going to the park lately after school since the weather has been so nice. As soon as it gets cold they will be stuck inside most of the time so I am taking advantage of the good weather. Jace is so excited for the baby and asked me everyday if it is time for his sister to come. He can't wait to see her. He will be a great big brother. He is so good with Bryan so I can just imagine. He is very protective and loving with him. The only thing is sometimes he get on one and loves to bug him. He will bug him just enough to make him scream. It is kind of annoying but what can you do, boys will be boys. He is a very independent child and you can't tell him anything. As he loves to tell Brent and I "I already know everything." He loves spending time with his Grandma's and Grandpa's. I am so glad we live close to them so they can do stuff together.

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Our new house

Here are some pics of the new house. We have not taken any pictures of the inside yet. But this is what the outside looks like, pretty nice hu. We are loving it here and getting to know so many great people.


They had a flag raising at school for Jace at his elementry school. They welcomed all the kids and raised the flag. Then they had the kids get in line behind their teacher and go into their classes. He was so excited he could hardly stand it.